Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Ryder News Oct 1, 2020

Ryder News for Oct. 1, 2020 

Jennifer Vermeire Andreachi said, “Love the news! Congratulations Sue on your new home (it’s all coming together!) and thank you to our local pantry workers for all their efforts to continue to serve our community!” 

Around 6 Wednesday morning I had to get up to let the dog out and I discovered it was pouring down rain. We didn't get much rain only ten hundredths, but oh boy talk about thunder and lightning, the thunder was so loud that it shook the house. Also there was lots of brilliant lightning. The rain was coming down sideways from the north. When all was said and done, I had pine needles all over the yard, deck and cement in front of the  garage. 

The Plaza-Makoti elevator merged with the Max elevator and became Tri-Gen Partners. They then partnered with Agrex Inc. out of Minneapolis and purchased my farm home and land to build a shuttle grain terminal with a loop track. (That’s why I’m moving into Ryder!) The terminal will have a little more than 1 million bushel storage capacity and more than 10,000 feet of track. This is on the west side of ND Highway 28 and north side of Ward County Road 22 at Ryder. They are expecting to employ 4 to 5 people when all is said and done and hope to be up and running by harvest time next year. 

Andrew Hagen and his deer.
Andrew Hagen got his deer on his first hunt and it was an 85 yard perfect shot in the lungs. Andrew is the son of James and Misty Hagen. 

BALLOTS can be brought in person or deposited in the secure drop box at the Ryder City Hall until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Nov 2, 2020. 
IN PERSON VOTING: You can vote in person from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Nov 3, 2020. 

I’ll have a picture of my garage with next week’s news. It is finally almost done...yay! I hired a painter and she started Sunday morning. She has the utility room and kitchen done so far. I can hardly wait until all is done and I can move in. I still have a lot of stuff to pack up but I’m working at it. I’m hunting for a moving company to move some of the heavier stuff and my family and friends can hopefully help me with moving my boxes. 

Upcoming Events: 

Oct 4...10:30 a.m. Ryder’s Calvary church will continue to hold Parking Lot Drive-In Church services at 10:30 every Sunday morning until further notice. Tune to 107.5 on your FM radio station to listen to the service.  

Oct. 4...9 a.m. Worship Service at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder. 

Oct 4...10:30 a.m. Worship Service at Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti.