Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ryder News Sep 28, 2017

Ryder News for Sept. 28, 2017

Ryder Museum sign.

A new sign was put up on the Ryder Museum on Monday. John Warner took down the old sign  and David Kimball and John Warner were the ones who put up the new one. This sign was donated by the estate of Phyllis Mueller in her memory.

They Ryder Community Center is having to replace the lighting in our gym. That is what is making our electric bill so high. We really need donations for this, as it will be a huge expenditure that needs to be done or the electric bills will close us down (not if we can help it). So if you want to donate to this huge project, contact Deb or Bruce Peterson at 701-758-2518 or Kathy Kimball at 701-578-5876 or send your donations to P. O. Box 61, Ryder, ND 58779 and earmark for the light project.
We appreciate any help that will keep our gym updated and open. Please pass this on to others.

Lee and Julie Brandvold entertained friends and family last Sat. Sept. 16th for Shelseys' 12th birthday. Her actual birthday was on the 14th! Joyce and Pat McKenzie had a great afternoon visiting and hearing about Tom and Linda Madsens cycle trip to North Carolina. They saw and did a lot of fun things! The scenery pictures were awesome! Those pizzas were wonderful too!

Tractor Trek tractors lined up on Ryder’s Main St.
A young girl driving a tractor in the Threshing Show Parade.

Due to Kenny having an eye Dr. appointment Saturday morning, I didn’t get to the threshing show or the tractor trek but Teri Petz managed to get a picture of the tractors parked on Ryder’s Main St. for me.
Joyce and Pat McKenzie were at the Makoti Threshing Show Saturday and enjoyed it very much! She said it was a nice day for the show with no rain or wind for a change. They ate a lot of good food and saw a lot of people they knew to visit with. The Parade lasted about an hour and  they enjoyed that also. It was fun to visit with Dwight Paulson as he was there too!

Dwight Paulson said, “Spent a long weekend in the Ryder, North Dakota area. Spent the last two days attending the Makoti Threshing Show. The weather was cool and wet. I have attached a few pictures. On one picture you will find a very young girl driving. On another you will see the band from the high school having to contend with mud. Many of the drivers have been long time friends or acquaintances.

High school band members having to contend with mud from the recent rains
while marching in the Threshing Show Parade.
Ardell Folden driving a tractor in Makoti Threshing Show Parade
Bill Quinn driving a tractor in Threshing Show Parade

Bill Quinn sent me several threshing show pictures. Bill and his wife Joan are Ryder residents who moved into the former Weldon Haugen’s house several years ago. Joan is originally from Minot.

Rick and Levi Sprinkle came to visit us Saturday evening and Levi didn’t want to go home. He fell in love with our cat and that’s what he wanted to do, stay and pet the cat! His dad finally convinced him it was time to go home!

Staci and Johnny McGrath invited us and Rick and Levi to their home for supper Sunday evening. She made french dips and spicy fries. I made a salad. She also had an apple pie but everyone was so stuffed from supper that no one wanted any. Levi and Johnny had a great time playing together even with the 5 year age difference. Levi finally started calling his grandpa, “Grandpa” instead of calling him Staci since he finally realized who Staci was. Then when it was time to leave, he wanted Staci to come home with him!

Our rain gauge showed a total of .80 of an inch from this 2 day rain. We sure have a lot of puddles around. It didn’t take much time for all the rain puddles to soak into the ground.

Kirby Mueller sent me an email regarding the starting of our group for Cemetery preservation:
Two years ago at the annual Memorial Day community mowing, Don Haugen, a third generation Ryderite, recognized an urgent need. The crowd gathered was smaller and older than he remembered and the task was larger than a once a year mowing project. Once decorative lilacs and evergreens planted on one plot had overtaken many plots. Headstones left to the winds and erosion of many North Dakota winters were tilted or tipped over all together.
Don sprang into action and had an aging outer fence system replaced.  He also purchased mowers and a shed to keep equipment on the property.  They also cleaned up some of the worst tree situations.  At the completion of these tasks Don realized that the need was bigger than any one individual and to take it to the next level, the community would need a long term strategy.
Don gathered together a group representing  four of the founding churches of the Ryder community. This past Wednesday the “Ryder Cemetery Historical Preservation Fund” met for the first time.
A board of directors was elected (Kirby Mueller-President, Brad Haugen- Vice President, Stephanie Hagen- Secretary, Bruce Peterson- Treasurer, Terry Johansen member at large). The mission of the group is “To ensure future historical preservation of homesteaders and families of the greater Ryder area”.  
More to come.

Blue Hill News Jan. 5, 1939 by Mamie Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson, Andy and Duane were Sunday visitors at the Otto Witt home.

Henry Hove and Walter were business callers at Washburn on Saturday.

Henry and Anita Hansen visited at the H. J. Younk home on New Year’s Eve.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Folden and Jennie were callers at Ed Olson's New Years Eve.

Mrs. Henry Albert and Robert are visitors at Leeds this week with Mrsr Mrs.. Albert’s mother, Mrs. Violett who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rostad and boys of Roseglen and Hans Hauged of Ryder were dinner guests at Jacob Hanson’s on New Years.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Ghering and family and Mr. and Ms. J. Hutmaecher and daughter of Garrison were visitors at the Nick Linnertz home on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gib Johnson returned from Parshall Saturday where they had spent part of their Christmas vacation from school duties.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bofenkamp and family were dinner guests at John Hanson’s on New Year’s day.

I will have more Blue Hill News next week. Any misspelling of words or names are in the original article and I didn’t change them!

Upcoming events:

Oct. 1: Services at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m.

Oct. 1: Services at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder at 9 a.m.

Oct. 1: Services at Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti at 10:30 a.m. with communion.

Oct. 2: Ryder Senior Citizens at 6 p.m.

Oct. 6: Bingo at 7 p.m. at Ryder Community Center/Gym

Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... But it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ryder News Sep 21, 2017

Ryder News for Sept. 21, 2017

Our rain gauge showed 1.70 inches of rain for this past Friday and Saturday. No rain on Sunday so we were able to dry out a little with the sunshine.

Richard (Richie) Becker, 72 a former Ryder resident passed away Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017 in a Minot care center. His memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. in St. John’s Lutheran Church in Ryder on Sept. 30, 2017. Our sympathy goes to the family.
Dwight Paulson had this to say, “For my North Dakota friends, I just got word that Richard Becker passed away last night at the age of 72. Richie lived directly across the street from me in Ryder. He was a very good card, and Monopoly player when we played as kids growing up. During his life he was a kind soul that everyone liked. He was always a loyal Minnesota Twins fan. I am glad I had a nice visit with him in June.”
Troy Alderman had this to say, “I have a very heavy heart tonight!! Just got a call from my mom back home in North Dakota. We lost someone I've known my entire life!! Someone I could always talk sports with. He followed all my football games and even went to our state championship game. Could always count on a “How ya doin kid” from him!! And if ya wanted someone to go fishing he was in. I know I did my share of picking on him but he wasn't afraid to give it right back. I'm sure you’re either in a card game or talking Twins baseball with a little Vikings mixed in with it. Rest In Peace Richie!!”

Walt and Mary Berdan in their Model T
Walt and Mary (Anderson) Berdan from Washington are on a vacation tour. They have a motor home and are pulling a trailer with a vintage Model T on it. They drove their Model T out from Minot and stopped in Ryder to visit the museums and see if Mary could find some information about her family. Her dad was Albert Homer Gideon Anderson and her grandfather was Hans Christian Anderson (not the author). They were both from the Ryder area. I got some great pictures of the Model T, Walt said it was a Model T with a speedster body and he did most of the restoring and building of it. He took me for a ride and boy, was that fun...No top on the vehicle so I really had quite a hairdo when we got back to the museum. We drove 60 mph down the highway. He said it gets 20 mpg. Their next stop is Malta, Montana as that is where his parents were from.

Twin girls Hattie Maureen and Ruby Lane, grandchildren of Marvin and Maureen Hagen. Parents are Ryan and Jade Hagen.
I managed to get a picture of Hattie Maureen and Ruby Lane, the super cute twin girls belonging to Ryan and Jade Hagen. They are the grandchildren of Marvin and Maureen Hagen.

Jim Bowen’s headstone in Arlington National Cemetery.

Dwight Paulson made a trip to Washington, DC this past week and while there visited Arlington National Cemetery. He located Jim Bowen’s grave so took pictures to share. James graduated with the 1963 class of Ryder High. Dwight remembered Jim well and the activities they had shared while at Ryder High.

David and Kathy Kimball’s 18 year old granddaughter, Taitum Eller was killed in an ATV accident. She was a passenger on a stalled ATV which was on the edge of the road and another ATV was preparing to tow the disabled ATV when a car struck the group. Our sympathy goes out to the family.

Mackenzie Amelia Brown (granddaughter of Harley Jones) with her buddy Annie.
I received an email from Harley Jones and here is a portion of it. “Hurricane Irma didn’t affect us too much. The wind blew and blew. Thought I was in a good old North Dakota blizzard however the snow was green (tree leaves). Lots of tree debris to clean up. Son Warren has a place in Marathon in the Florida Keys. He knows a tree landed on it however doesn’t know extent of the damage from the tree or water. Water probably in house due to the storm surge. He lives in Miami however rode the storm out in Boca Raton.
Harley sent a picture of his two (2) week old granddaughter, Mackenzie Amelia Brown with her buddy Annie.

Friday morning Doris Ann and Jim Zieman entertained a cousin Clarice Murdock and a friend Brad Stromme of Yuma, Arizona and Lorraine Nelson from Douglas.

Joining Doris Ann and Jim Zieman on Sunday for a family get together (dinner and supper) and help celebrate Myrna Scheer’s birthday were: Ken and Sue Bradley; Don and Karen Bradley; Terry and Myrna Scheer, Lorraine Nelson; Roger Nogosek and Blake and Rachelle Zieman.

Congratulations to Leonard and Florence Dahl on their 60th wedding anniversary.

Happy Birthday to now 12 year old Shelsey Brandvold.

Lorraine Nelson was a visitor at our home last week.

There will be flu shots at the Ryder Senior Citizens on Wed. Nov. 1, 2017 from

Remember in the Mamie Olson news from last week that there was a question from Faye Karna for the Ryder museum: “The community was deeply shocked Tuesday morning to learn of the tragedy that had befallen three Ryder men. Floyd Roberts is a Blue Hill farmer having lived in the community many years. We hope Mr. Roberts and Winston Anderson a good recovery.
(Museum question here is:  Who was the 3rd person that was in the fire east of Ryder?  Was it another Anderson & didn’t he die?)
Stephanie Hagen called me with the answer to that question. She said the 3rd person was Andy Anderson and he died in the fire. He was the brother of Winston Anderson who was also burned and as was Floyd Roberts who was
badly burned.

Guess what??? I have some more Blue Hill news by Mamie Olson!!
Jan. 5, 1939

Though a little late your correspondent wishes the staff of the Ryder News and all the readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson entertained the following for dinner on New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sather and family and Jimmy Erb.

Mr. and Mrs. Orin Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. Elmer Olson, and Elwood and Raymond Johnson were dinner guests and the Morris Johnson home in Ryder on New Year’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson, Donnie and Darlene motored to Roseglen on New Year’s Eve where they were guests at the R. Barsness home and on New Year’s Day they were guests at the Anton Eidahl home.

To Be Continued Next Week.

Upcoming events:

Sept. 22: Tractor trek to Ryder from Makoti and back again.

Sept. 23-24: Makoti Threshing Show

Sept. 24: Services at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m.

Sept. 24: Services at Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti at 9 a.m.

Sept. 24: Services at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen at 10:30 a.m. with communion.

I’m great at multi-tasking; I can listen, ignore and forget all at once!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ryder News Sep 14, 2017

Ryder News for Sept. 14, 2017

I received several comments on the picture of the kids on the old Ryder school playground, namely the swing set.
Vickie Olson said: “Great news on your cancer, happy for you and your family. Love reading the news letter, Mamie Olson was our aunt.”
Sharlene Krogh said: “That swing set has seen many years - still looks strong.”
Dwight W. Paulson said: “I believe that is the same swing set I played on, and I'm 73 years old. I may be wrong.”

More updates have been/are being added to the Ryder museums. After an inventory of the yearbooks from Ryder High, it was found there is still a need for copies from the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. So, please do not throw away these copies or if you know of someone who no longer wants theirs, please share this. Your help is appreciated.

Tire marks left on the highway from the accident.

Wrecked pickup truck.

There was a horrendous wreck several miles past our farm last Thursday. I am not at liberty to say who was involved in the wreck but a pickup truck from this area rolled and went into a field on the north side of the road. From the black tire marks on the highway it looked like the driver was heading into the south ditch and probably overcorrected and rolled. Both men survived the accident and rumor has it that one is in the Garrison hospital and the other is in the Minot hospital.

Blue Hill News by Mamie Olson…..June 5, 1952

Memorial Night and we have received about .40 inch of rain during the night and today: damping the Memorial activities but brightening the spirit of the local farmers. Sunday night and Monday about .60 of an inch fell but we can always take more. The weather remains quite cold. There was frost Wednesday morning, nipping some crops in spots.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson took Mrs. Marry Lynne to Minot Wed. evening from where she took the train to her home at Great Falls, Montana.

The school children, teachers and patrons enjoyed last Friday a lot when they picnicked at the Minot Park.

Ardell Folden said goodbye to his eighth grade books on Wednesday when he passed his final tests.

Vernon Linnertz will be an eighth grader next year.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson & Edna & Alfred Anderson of Fargo left for their homes Wednesday after spending a few days here visiting their brothers, Ole & Carl Anderson and to attend the Golden Anniversary. Two of their sisters were also here..Mrs. Theo Bredahl of Tagus & Mrs. Carrie Fingvold of Cadilac, Sask., Canada.

Mrs. Soren Sorenson, Lee Allan and Lavonn visited at Ed Olson's on Friday afternoon.

Mrs. & Mrs. I.E. Goldsmith (nee Edna Anderson) and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. Reiss (nee Agnes Anderson) of Minona, Minn. arrived Saturday to attend their parents’ Golden Anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Anderson & Ronald of Maxbass spent Sunday and Monday here at home.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Olson accompanied by their two grandchildren, Ray and Roxann Olson were Minot shoppers Wednesday.

May 30th, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Olson and children, Mr. & Mrs. O.K. Hopkins, Mrs. & Mrs. Harry Peterson & Mrs. Carl Clausen & Claryce & Mrs. Theodore Olson of Garrison came to wish Ed Olson many more Happy Birthdays.

The community was deeply shocked Tuesday morning to learn of the tragedy that had befallen three Ryder men. Floyd Roberts is a Blue Hill farmer having lived in the community many years. We hope Mr. Roberts and Winston Anderson a good recovery.

(Museum question here is:  Who was the 3rd person that was in the fire east of Ryder?  Was it another Anderson & didn’t he die?)

That concludes all that I have of Mamie Olson’s News.

Upcoming events:

Sept. 14: General Meeting of Makoti Threshers at Makoti Senior Citizens at 7 p.m.

Sept. 17: Services at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m.

Sept. 17: Services at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen at 9 a.m.

Sept. 17: Services at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Makoti at 10:30 a.m. with communion.

By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.