Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ryder News Aug 1, 2019

Ryder News for August 1, 2019 

Mystery Photo.

We have a new Mystery Photo for this week. These ladies were workers from the Ryder area. Good luck and let me know who you think it is. Call or text to  701-720-4297 or email me at 

Paulette Petz Lozensky, Kandi Reinisch Mikkelson, and little Sis Penny Reinisch Carlson were our Mystery Photo girls from last week and as I said last week, they are still best friends. 

Those who figured out the  mystery photo were Teri Petz of Ryder, Susan Wolff Anderson of Weslaco, Texas, Valerie Johnson, Peggy Reinisch, Vernida Songer, Faye Karna and Troy Alderman. 
Vernida Songer said this about the horse, “And Hawgee (sorry about the spelling on the name, or is this a different one.” 

Joetta Magandy said the following in an email, “Sue, so glad you are back with the Ryder news.  Sure Enjoy your news.  Thank you so much.” 

Jessica Magandy Wedding: Grandma Grace Magandy, Wes Harvey, Jessica Magandy-Harvey, Alvin Magandy, Joetta Magandy.
Area guests at the Jessica Magandy wedding on July 13, 2019 in Driscoll, ND were: Grace Magandy, James and Misty Hagen of Ryder; Robert and Stacy Magandy and family of Minot; Alan Brickner, Anita Riemer of Douglas; Carrie Ahman of Max; Bonnie and Clinton Magandy, Ian and Monica Butter of Williston. Jessica is the grand-daughter of Grace Magandy, and daughter of Alvin and Joetta Magandy. 

Stone Chicken House on the Old Jackson Farm Southeast of Ryder.
A Facebook friend of mine posted a picture of the stone chicken house on the Jackson farm south of Ryder. The Jacksons built a beautiful stone home also which still stands there. Harry and Gladys Peterson bought it after Mrs. Anna Jackson either moved or died. Her husband, Daniel, died before her and she toughed it out by herself through winters, etc. This place has gone through several different owners since Henry and Gladys Peterson owned it. It also has been badly damaged by vandals! 
I have never seen this place altho I don’t live very far away, but this picture piqued my curiosity so I decided to do a little research through the Ryder Centennial Books (I found the info I wanted in the green 2006 book). Daniel and Anna married on Oct. 23, 1906 and together they shared a dream, to build a fieldstone house which they later built after chicken coop. In 1912, a neighbor and stonemason built a Norwegian style, split-level, chicken coop. The chicken coop, entirely of fieldstones, had two stories. Feed, stored on the upper level, reached the main floor through chutes. In the basement, the hens laid their eggs. (It is not known how Anna taught the hens to walk up steps!) 
Daniel lived to be 76 years old and for the last 15 of those years he spent in bed, suffering from crippling arthritis, unable to move and totally dependent. 
I may put more information in next week’s column about their stone house if I can get a picture copied. 

I also have a little more information about a blacksmith shop in Ryder. Terry Johanson called me and asked if I knew where the old blacksmith shop used to be in Ryder. Of course I didn’t, so he told me that it had been located on what is now the west side of the Ryder Fire Dept. building. He doesn’t know if they tore the building down or built around it. He said it was a stucco building. He also told me that Chet Neukom, (a brother of Harold Neukom whom we all knew) along with Delbert Johanson owned and operated the blacksmith shop until Chet went into the army. I took some of this information out of the Centennial Book. It sure is amazing what kind of information you can find in that book! 

Back to School NSP Registration Day is August 13th from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. This will be an all grades registration day. Also, sports physicals will be done by Mountrail County Medical Center at this time by appointment. Please call 497-3734 for an appointment. Immunizations will be available by UMDHU Health Nurse. The first day of school is August 20th. Kindergarten kids will need a copy of birth certificate and immunization record. 

Upcoming Events:

Calvary worship service for June, July and August will be at 9:30 a.m. There is no Sunday School until Fall. 
Aug. 2--7 p.m. Bingo at the Ryder Community Center. Everyone Welcome! 
Aug. 4--10 a.m. All Parish Worship at Camp of the Cross. 
Aug. 13--NSP school registration day 
Aug. 20--NSP first day of school

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ryder News Jul 25, 2019

Ryder News for July 25, 2019 

Mystery Photo

Yahoo, we have a new Mystery Photo!! These are 3 little girls on horseback and they are all still best friends. They were in the last first grade class of Ryder School. In second grade they joined Makoti and were then North Shore Panthers. Any idea who they are?? You can reply to me via email… or you can text me at 701-720-4297. I’ll be waiting for your answers. 

I attended the funeral for Jim Zieman on Saturday. The church was packed with  family members and his many friends. It sure is a shame that most of the time that families get together is at a funeral. I guess we need to be having more family reunions well before we all get together at another funeral. Rest in Peace, Jim. 

Johnny McGrath wearing his “shades”.
Johnny McGrath, my grandson, is showing off his klutzy genes that he inherited from his mother and me. He was jumping on a neighbor’s trampoline and his cell phone flew out of his pocket and hit him in the eye. That required a trip to the ER as he was seeing double and in quite a bit of pain. The ER wasn’t able to find anything wrong with his eye but recommended that he see a specialist eye Dr. to be sure. Off to the eye Dr. this morning and after many tests and dilating both eyes, the Dr. didn’t find anything wrong but wanted them to follow up in a few weeks with their regular eye Dr. He is currently wearing “shades” while his  eyes return to normal after being dilated.   

We’ve been getting a few small rain showers off and on this last week and those showers sure do make the grass grow, which makes it necessary for me to get out the push mower and mow the dog yard. My son Rick, mows my big yard here at the farm and he and my daughter Staci kind of take turns mowing my lots in town with the riding mower. 

50 year Reunion of the 1969 Ryder High Graduating Class

On July 13, 2019 the last class to graduate from Ryder High in 1969 celebrated their 50th Class Reunion at the Morris Complex at Deepwater Bay south of Parshall. Steve and Marge Morris hosted the event. There were 14 of the 18 classmates present. Those not present were Beth Carlson, Monica Eriksmoen, and Harlen Hansen.  Walter (Kirby) Carlson is the only member deceased. 
Pictured from left to right are: 
Back Row: Marge (Gurholt) Morris, Roger Guttormson, Virgil Ness, Galen  
Larson, Larry Sorenson, John Anderson, Larry Mahoney and Kevin Mueller. 
Front Row: Colleen (Johansen) Sorenson, Kim Hofstad, Stephanie (Petz) Hagen, Bonita (Nelson) Ensrude, Linda (Larson) Jacobson and Janet (Hagen) Mahoney. 
A true summer picnic with all the trimmings and many side dishes were enjoyed on the back deck overlooking the bay and the cool breeze off the water. The Class History, Will and the Prophecy were read. Much storytelling and laughs were had by all. 

1970 class reunion

A 1970 class reunion was held last week at the Makoti birthday party on July 12th. Those attending were: Hal Severance, Stewart Bofenkamp, Deb (Haugen) Skarsgard, Carlene (Larson) Nelson, John Warner, Judy (Petrick) Kubischta and Dick Frey. 

Larry and Janet Mahoney surprise 50th Anniversary party

A surprise 50th Anniversary party was held at the Ryder Senior Center for Larry and Janet Mahoney.  Lots of friends and family came for dinner and visiting. 

Ardis Neshem said, “In response to Wendell Hjelmstad’s comments last week about Ole Ottesen-I remember him quite well. I am Oscar Larson’s daughter and Ole used to stop at our house quite often. In the winter he wore snowshoes and I was really fascinated by them. He had some other kind of homemade shoes too but I don’t remember them so well. I loved listening to his Norway stories.”. 
Thanks Ardis for your memories. I love it when my readers respond to the things that are reported in my news column!! 

Upcoming Events:

Calvary worship service for June, July and August will be at 9:30 a.m. There is no Sunday School until Fall. 
July 27--5 p.m. Church worship service at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder. 
July 27--10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Ryder Community Food Pantry is open at the Community Gym. Free lunch will be served. 
July 28--9 a.m. Church worship service at Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti. 
July 28--10:30 a.m. Church worship service with Communion at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen.