Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ryder News Jun 22, 2017

Ryder News for June 22, 2017

Shelsey and Julie Brandvold attended the TCCU picnic and took some pictures for me. I had planned on going but my Dr. changed my chemo appointment to Thursday instead of Friday so that kind of ruined my plans! Julie also did a nice little write up about the TCCU picnic.

Allen Janz and Brenda Novodvorsky at the registration table.

TCCU patrons enjoying a bite to eat and some visiting at the picnic in the park.
About 65 local residents attended the Town and Country Credit Union Member Appreciation Picnic held in the Ryder City Park on Thursday. Three guys (Mark, Matt and Brett) from the Minot location came out and cooked up brats and hotdogs on the grill. Brenda Novodvorsky and Robyn Erdman served chips, cookies, pop and water and welcomed the guest with nice giveaways and a chance to win a gas fire pit. The winner of the fire pit was Kathy Kimball from Ryder. It was a beautiful day to sit and visit with all the locals and have a bite to eat.

Shelby Huston and her fiddle.
Mike Haugen, Kenny Fjeldahl and others manning the raffle prize table.

Kenny and I along with the McGrath’s attended the 115th annual Hiddenwood Picnic. There were well over 100 people registered so there was a lot of visiting going on. John Warner was the preacher for the morning service in the little church and there were also speakers in the big building so others could enjoy it as well.
After the service then it was time to eat...what a variety of food for this potluck picnic. I am sure everything tasted wonderful but I didn’t have enough room in my stomach to sample everything! After everyone was totally stuffed by all the good food it was time for the talent portion of the program. Shane Larson was the MC again this year and told a few jokes and then introduced Shelby Huston, 2016 International Fiddle Champion and Minnesota State Fiddle Champion. Her dad accompanied her on his guitar. She was fantastic and so young having just graduated from high school.
There were lots of door prize giveaways and I think everyone got something! They had great raffle prizes again this year which only cost $1 per ticket. Some of the prizes to be raffled were: State Fair Pass, Hostfest tickets, tabletop electric grill, electric griddle, a wooden sign and then of course some kids prizes.
Again this year as always were the foot races with all participants receiving a quarter and then the quarter toss into the grass so the kids could search for quarters. Hopefully their parents checked them real well afterwards for wood ticks!

Bob and Doris Landon celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary.

Bob and Doris Landon celebrated their 66th anniversary on Saturday, June 3, 2017.  Greg and Cathy Landon joined them for dinner at the Trinity Nursing Home where Bob is a resident.  Doris resides at Brentmoor Assisted Living Center.

Vacation Bible School will be held at Calvary Church on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, June 27-29, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.. This is a fun event for all kids up to those who have just completed 6th grade. Bring a sack lunch!

Ryan and Jade Hagen’s twins, Ruby and Hattie.
Twins Paulette Petz Lozensky and Pete Petz holding their twin great nieces Ruby and Hattie Hagen.

I told you awhile ago that I would have pictures and information on Ryan and Jade Hagen’s twins...well...finally I have pictures and info.
On 5/7/2017 Ruby Laine was born at 9 a.m. weighing 5 lb. 3 oz and 18 ½ inches long. Her twin sister, Hattie Maureen was born at 9:02 a.m. weighing 4 lb. 10 oz. and 17 ½ inches long. Check out the pictures of the babies and also the one of twins Paulette Lozensky and Pete Petz holding their twin great nieces.

June 1, 1950   Blue Hill News by Mamie Olson

Spring work is in full swing with tractors humming day and night, making up for lost time. A few fields are being left for later crops.
The weather turned real warm over the weekend with grass and trees getting green and summer-like appearance all around. Lilacs, chokecherries and plum trees are just starting to bud out, and lilac blooms will be considerably later this year than ever before, Last year the lilacs were in full bloom on Decoration Day.
The school bell and the flag were put away Monday afternoon at the end of another school term and Tuesday and Wednesday the seventh and eighth graders took their final exams. Thursday the pupils, patrons and teacher and friends were at the John Linnertz grove for their picnic. Early Friday morning Mr. Nelson, the teacher, left for his home near Cumberland, Wisconsin where he will spend the summer at his parental home. He will do graduate work at University of North Dakota this autumn.
School Picnic: Mothers of Blue Hill School pupils met Thursday at the school to plan the school picnic which will be held again at the John Linnertz grove, this year on May 25. School closes May 26.
Mrs. Carl Anderson and Mrs. Donald Anderson and Donna Mae returned Thursday from a week in Fargo and Minnesota with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson and children (Frances and Darold) motored to Parshall Saturday to visit the Charley Severance family.
Harry Peterson and Don returned Saturday from Forsyth, Montana where they bought a registered sire for their herd of Herefords.
The telephone lines have been playing off again on again the last few days with the linemen out every day trying to locate “that little trouble”.  Residents here can’t get the Ryder operator.
Grant Witt visited with Robert Nelson at Blue Hill School Thursday morning and posted election notices for the June 6 Blue Hill school election.
Donald Anderson bought the buildings on the land known to many as the Dickinson farm and later occupied by the Alfred Zahnow family. Don will move the buildings to his own farm.
Henry Bofenkamp, the Blue Hill Township assessor, has been making his yearly calls.

More of Mamie’s news next week!

Upcoming Events:

June 24: John Warner ELCA pastoral ordination at St. John's Lutheran Church of Ryder at 5 p.m.

June 25: Services at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m.

June 25: Services at Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti at 9 a.m.

June 25: Services at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen at 10:30 a.m. with communion.

June 27- 29: Bible School at Calvary Church in Ryder 9 a.m.-3.30 p.m.

July 1: Class of 1957 will be gathering at the Badlands in Minot.    

July 15: Bull a Rama.

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely!