Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Ryder News Dec 10, 2020

Ryder News for Dec. 10, 2020 

Jennifer Andreachi said that she had no real news except they are finishing up the propane furnace conversion at the school and starting on some professional hardwood floor restoration. It was something they had looked into for doing  themselves but it’s just too involved. Fingers crossed that all goes well. 

Thanks Jenn, for that tidbit of news as I sure don’t have anything for this week newswise.  

I do want to say a little about Cash Petersen, the eleven year old motorcycle racer from Ryder, ND. He attends school at North Shore Plaza Elementary and has some grand ambitions. He eventually hopes to become a professional motorcycle competitor one day. His interest in dirt bike racing began when he was 6 years old. He received a motorcycle as a present on his 6th birthday and his interest just took off. Three months later he began to venture into competitive racing. His dad, Tony wants to ensure that he has a chance to earn a pro card by the time he turns 16. Cash will be competing in the Texas Winter Series, a motocross tournament which is scheduled to start Jan. 1st. The event is a five part race which takes place on four different tracks and will end on Feb. 21. Cash had just competed in Gainsville, Fla. during the week of Nov. 22-29. He placed 13th in his class while competing against riders from all over the United States. 

Congratulations Cash on your 13th place in the last race and hopefully you will do real well in the ones to come! 

I started taking my cancer pills today, Monday, and hopefully they will work and I will have no bad side effects. I couldn’t believe all the side effects that are possible from these drugs. Wow!! 

I’ve been busy shredding papers and moving more stuff out of the farm house. Still need to get up into the attic! My one bedroom in my new house is filled with boxes that I have to go thru and probably pitch out a lot more stuff! I can’t believe all the stuff we hung onto over the years.  

The weather sure has been great for all of us. Love these warmer temperatures and the warm weather sure does help out the parishioners at Ryder’s Calvary Church as they continue to hold their Parking Lot Drive-In Services. 

There have been a few people in the Ryder area that have come down with Covid 19, Here’s wishing them all a speedy recovery. 


Upcoming Events: 

Dec. 13 ...10:30 a.m. Ryder’s Calvary church will continue to hold Parking Lot Drive-In Church services at 10:30 every Sunday morning until further notice. Tune to 107.5 on your FM radio station to listen to the service.  

Dec. 13...9 a.m. Worship Service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Makoti 

Dec. 13...10:30 a.m. Worship Service at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder with communion.