Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ryder News Mar. 24, 2016

Ryder News for March 24, 2016

Enjoying the Cornbeef and Cabbage meal at Ryder's Senior Center.

Kenny and I took in the Cornbeef and Cabbage Meal at the Senior Center the evening of St. Patrick’s Day. David Kimball fixed Cornbeef, boiled potatoes, cabbage and Irish soda bread. Denise Johnson made 3 different desserts with a green theme. Sad to say that not too many showed up to eat altho this was for everyone, but then that meant we all could have seconds and maybe even thirds! The meal was delicious.

St. John's men preparing Palm Sunday dinner.

Folks starting to arrive for St. John's Palm Sunday Dinner.

St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder held their annual Palm Sunday Dinner with the free will offering proceeds donated to the Ryder Food Pantry. This was another delicious dinner with roast beef, scalloped potatoes, corn, coleslaw, buns and ice cream. There was also horse radish to put on the roast beef and it must have been of the home made variety because it was strong. As a matter of fact, Derald Larson said it almost blew the top of his head off. I love horse radish but made sure after the first taste, that I only took a little taste each time. There was an overwhelming turn out for the dinner with people from Minot, Roseglen, Makoti, Garrison and Ryder in attendance.

Tyler and Shannon Stafslien and attended a rally last spring, at the Capitol in Bismarck, which was organized in order to denounce Senate Bill 2351 (the corporate farm bill). He is a 4th generation family farmer and this issue matters to him. Farms, in North Dakota, should continue to be owned and operated by families, as has been the case since the beginning of our great state. If you believe, as he does, that the legislators who voted to allow corporations (like the Chinese company Smithfield Farms) to own ND farms were wrong, then you should help to overturn SB 2351 in the June primary. He is curious how you feel about this issue. You may post your thoughts on his Facebook page --Tyler Stafslien for District 4.
Shannon Stafslien, wife of Tyler, is now the marketing manager at RTC. Congratulations!

Bingo will be at 7:30 on April 1st due to the Free Will Spaghetti Supper fundraiser starting at 5 p.m.-7 p.m. with proceeds going towards sprucing up the playground equipment.

Mark your calendars for April 3rd  and the Benefit Breakfast put on by the Old Ryder Jaycees for Ross Sherven from 8:30 a.m.–-1 the Ryder Community Center/Gym. Proceeds will go towards Ross’s medical expenses.

On Monday, April 4th the Senior Citizens meal and meeting will be starting at their evening time which is 6 p.m. Hope to see you there as we are always looking for new members.

Here is the final installment of the Blue Hill News courtesy of Faye Karna and the Ryder Museum.

“December ?, 1950        Blue Hill News by Mamie Olson
After a week of grand weather and with big hopes of a grand Christmas, what a disappointment to have snow and cold start Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. with a wind whipping up from the east by midnight. A real blizzard was in the making. Christmas day was a stay-at-home day for everyone. Many Christmas dinners went uneaten.
Mrs. Si Schellenbaum and her pupils at Blue Hill gave their Christmas program Friday evening with a large crowd attending. After the program, Santa Claus paid his visit to the school with a pack of toys, candy and nuts.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins of Garrison came up to the O.K. Hopkins home to spend Christmas Eve but due to the storm did not return to Garrison until Tuesday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hove were supper guests at the John Pederson home near Roseglen Christmas Eve.
The Clifford Daleness family enjoyed a new radio-phonograph combination.
Helen Hansen, who is employed by the state Farmers Union office at Jamestown, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen and Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sorenson of rural Ryder and Mr. and Mrs. Les Sorenson of Max were supper guests at the Harry Peterson home Thursday evening. Ed and Roy Peterson were also guests there.
Mr. and Mrs. John Linnertz and family motored to Minot and Surrey on Saturday. At Surrey they visited at the Wm Linnertz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson and daughter, who went to Butte, Montana a couple of weeks ago, have returned home. Tommy was unable to find any employment there. They visited a few days with Tommy’s aunt Maybelle, at Big Sandy, Montana enroute home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Torkelson (nee Leona Daleness) of Cando, ND came on Sunday to spend Christmas with the Daleness families. Stella Daleness, who is home from Velva, ND where she teaches, returned to Cando with them Tuesday where she will visit a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Bland (nee Lauretta Sorenson) motored up from Big Bend Saturday to spend the weekend at the Soren Sorenson home.
Hans Hansen from Antler, ND spent Christmas with his father, Jacob Hansen, and other relatives, returning to Antler on Tuesday.
The Ray and Carl Olson families enjoyed a family gathering at the Ed Olson home on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Folden and children visited in Ryder on Wednesday at the Olaf Troite and Petrine Folden homes.”

Upcoming Events:
Mar. 24: Hope Lutheran Church of Makoti Maundy Thursday Services at 7 p.m.
Mar. 24: Calvary Church of Ryder Maundy Thursday Services with communion at 7 p.m.
Mar. 25: Good Friday Service at 10 a.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen, Good Friday Service at 7 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder.
Mar. 26: Annual Easter Egg Hunt in the Ryder Park at 10:30 a.m. with crafts to follow at 11 a.m. at the Ryder Community Center/Gym.
Mar. 26: CANCELED Soup and Sandwich lunch at Ryder Community Center/Gym due to conflict with Easter egg hunt and kid’s crafts. It will resume on April 9th.
Mar. 27: Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen Easter Sunday Service at 7 a.m. with the men serving Easter Breakfast after the service,-- St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder Easter Sunday Service at 8:30 a.m. with a breakfast to follow,-- St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Makoti Easter Sunday Service at 10 a.m.
Mar. 27: Calvary Church of Ryder will have their Easter Service at 10:30/no Sunday school.
April 1: Free Will Spaghetti supper 5 p.m.-7 p.m. at Ryder Community Center/Gym with proceeds to go to sprucing up the playground equipment.
April 1: Bingo will be at 7:30 at Ryder Community Center/Gym
April 3: Pampered Chef wedding shower for Shelby Bigelow at 1 p.m. at Makoti Senior Citizens.
April 3: Benefit Breakfast for Ross Sherven from 8:30 a.m.–-1 Ryder Community Center/Gym. Proceeds will go towards Ross’s medical expenses. This is being put on by the Old Ryder Jaycees.
April 4: Senior Citizens lunch and short business meeting 6 p.m. at Senior Center in Ryder. Note time change!

That’s it for this week. Happy Spring!