Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ryder News Aug 13, 2020

Ryder News for Aug. 13, 2020 

In the wee hours of Sunday morning I was awakened by a boom of thunder that actually shook the house! I figured it must be raining (sometimes there is thunder and not rain) and sure enough it was and also lightning. My rain gauge shows just over .20. 

Alice Vangsness identified the lady in last week’s photo. The gal on the end in the front row is Allegra (Bluhm) Haugen and the lady in the back row has been tentatively identified as Dorothy (Arvidson) Nienow. 

A small memorial service will be held for Shirley Bradshaw Cunningham  Aug. 29th at 5 p. m. at the Ryder ND cemetery. 
If you plan to attend and have a good story about or involving Shirley please be prepared to share if you so choose. Please contact Eden Brunsell or Brad Cunningham with any questions Shirley passed late last year but Covid has postponed her memorial.  

I’ve been trying to catch this mouse that keeps getting on my kitchen counter and leaving his ‘tracks”. So I have to clean and disinfect my countertops every morning. It seemed that I just couldn’t catch him! I even put sticky traps under the kitchen sink cabinet but no luck. I finally got more sticky traps as I had run out. I put one along the wall on my counter and decided to put a piece of Dorito on it. Lo and behold...the sneaky little devil didn’t even wait until dark...he zoomed right up to it when I left the room! Ha..caught him and disposed of him! 

Vacation Bible School started at Calvary Church Monday morning and I took Johnny over there. He was really looking forward to going. Staci, Johnny and her dogs are staying here in their camper for a few days while John is in Fargo at the Air National Guard for 3 days. Hopefully she will be able to go through some of her “stuff” at the house and get it up to her house. Then she can help me pack up some of my “stuff” to be moved into my new home when it gets here!  

Due to Covid 19, there will be no bingo in August.  

There is another produce giveaway at the Ryder Food Pantry on Aug. 13 at 5 p.m. 

That’s about it for the news this week as I haven’t heard from anyone with news to share for the viewing public...maybe next week! 

Upcoming Events: 

Ryder’s Calvary church will continue to hold Parking Lot Drive-In Church services at 10:30 every Sunday morning until further notice. Tune to 107.5 on your FM radio station to listen to the service.  

Aug.16 --9 a.m.  Worship service at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen. 

Aug.16--10:30 a.m. Worship service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Makoti with communion. 

Aug. 18--10 a.m. Bible Study at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder