Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Ryder News Jun 11, 2020

Ryder News for June 11, 2020 

Downed tree limb in Ryder Park
We lucked out on the severe weather that the forecasters were talking about for this past weekend. We did have lots of wind and strong wind gusts. My rain gauge showed .50. I drove around town looking for broken tree limbs and other wind damage but luckily I didn’t find much! There was a broken tree limb on the ground in the park and my son had a tree limb break and hit his garage but that’s all I found! 

I finally got the batteries charged up for my camper so I could get the 3 slides out and get everything out of it. I am hoping to sell it as I don’t use it since Kenny passed away. Too hard for me to hook up a fifth wheel! But oh my, I sure do like that camper! 

Little Red Rock in front of Veteran’s Wall

There has been someone going around our little town putting little painted red rocks with messages on them. There was one in front of the post office that said “Joy” and one in front of the Veteran’s wall that said “Jesus loves you”. What a neat idea and thing to do. 

John Warner, President of the Ryder Historical Society says, “The Ryder Museum is looking for a couple of things to be donated. We would like to acquire an early Citizens Band radio base unit, one from the 60s or 70s--should be intact but doesn't have to work. Would consider a very early desktop computer; something like a Commodore 64. Again, needs to look good but doesn't need to work.  Also a wooden slide rule.  
We also have some painting to be done this spring. Much of it could be done with a spray gun if someone has one but most could also be done with a brush and roller. Neatness counts!!!” 

The 118th Hiddenwood Old Settlers annual picnic will be held on Sunday, June 21, 2020. Due to Covid-19 concerns the picnic will be a little different this year. This year it will be an Old Fashioned Picnic, bring your own basket lunch and  you can sit under the shelters at outside tables or in the main building. Coffee and bottled water will be provided free of charge. There will be an 11 a.m. All Faith Church Service. Bring a lawn chair for the outside service or you may also sit in the main building. There will be a program after lunch. They welcome your talent on stage! Pie and coffee for purchase in the afternoon. Hiddenwood Picnic Grounds are 8 miles south of Makoti on County Road #9. Practice Social Distancing...Take care...Stay Safe. 

There will be no Ryder Community Club Bingo in June or July, due to the pandemic. 
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the annual Hiddenwood Sportsman Club fishing Derby for June has been canceled! 

If your child is 4 by August 1, 2020, get them signed up for Preschool Pre-registration for the 2020-2021 school year at the Max Public School. Please call the Max School and get them registered at 701-679-2685.  Local bus service is provided. 

Upcoming Events: 

Ryder’s Calvary church will continue to hold Parking Lot Drive-In Church services at 10:30 every Sunday morning until further notice. Tune to 107.5 on your FM radio station to listen to the service.  

June 14--9 a.m. Worship service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Makoti. 

June 14--10:30 a.m. Worship service at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Ryder. 
There will still have to be restrictions such as social distancing, wearing face masks, disinfecting our churches and other precautionary measures to keep everyone safe. If you feel ill or have symptoms of the flu or other sickness, please do not attend church until you feel well.