Sue Bradley wrote The Ryder News (a.k.a. "Sue's News") until 2021.
The Ryder News is now written by Kathy Kallestad and is published by the McLean County Independent out of Garrison, ND.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ryder News May 18, 2017

Ryder News for May 18, 2017

Kallie Jo DesRoches, daughter of Alex and Kelsey (Reinisch) DesRoches.
Congratulations to Kelsey and Alex DesRoches on the birth of their daughter Kallie Jo who was born April 29, 2017. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 inches long.
Her Grandparents are Jody and Peggy Reinisch, and Lorn and Corinna DesRoches.
Great Grandparents: Wendell and Marlys Hanson, Mary Vaughan, Ron and Sharon DesRoches.

Ryder’s Food Pantry will not be open in June because of activities in the town and gym. Please pass this along. See you in July. If you need help please call 701-578-5876. They will be open May 13th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please pass this on.

Faye Karna had to share that she had a great birthday. She wanted to tell everyone that she really appreciated all of those who sent cards by mail or electronically, including singing cards and to those who called.

Last Thursday she met a former classmate, Rose Dokken Brown, in Minot for dinner and then went to her apartment to visit longer, which started the fun. Then, on Saturday she and Bud met her sister, Gayle and her daughter in Bismarck for dinner and were joined by Kellie and Kyann and their families. She got such beautiful plants, gift card and many more nice cards and she feels very blessed!

Gayle Albert and her daughter traveled to Bismarck last weekend to attend an open-house for one of Jerome’s nephews. While there, Gayle met with Gary Sorenson and Doug Wurtz to make some final plans for their 50th class reunion.  This reunion is going to be in Ryder on June 17 and most of the 1967 class plans to return. So, if you would like to visit with them, watch for further updates and try to join them. They would enjoy that.

A surprise birthday party for Pat McKinzie’s 80th birthday, was put on by his kids last Saturday night in Garrison at the Stoney Inn Steakhouse. They had decorated, brought a nice cake and had a wonderful gift card bouquet for him, that equaled $80.00. The supper was great too. The grandkids and great grand kids and Julie, played some instruments and sang the Birthday Song. It was a fun evening of taking pictures, visiting and discussing the surprise.

On Wednesday night, the night of his birthday, friends gathered at the home of Joyce and Pat McKinzie's at their farm in Rolette to help Pat celebrate his 80th. A 3 tiered lemon cake was served with ice cream and coffee and a wonderful evening of visiting again.

Pat says he appreciated very much all the greetings from friends that sent cards or made phone calls or emailed him on Facebook.

Pat and Joyce McKinzie and John and Shirley Brandvold also attended the Spring Concert at the Max School on Tuesday, the 9th. The grandkids and all the other kids done a great job! Shelsey Brandvold played her Clarinet in the band and Stetson sang.

Cemetery mowing has been set for Wednesday May 24, at 6 p.m. In the case of inclement weather we will move it to Thursday night. Hope to see you all there.

There will be no Bingo on June 2 due to the Ryp to Ryder event, see you the first Friday in July.

I really did not know this: “Today I saw a man selling poppies stop a lady and asked if he could re-position her poppy. While doing so, he told that lady she should wear the poppy on the right side. The red represents the blood of all those who gave their lives, the black represents the mourning of those who didn’t have their loved ones return home and the green leaf represents the grass and crops growing and future prosperity after the war destroyed so much. The leaf should be positioned at 11 o’clock to represent the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the time that World War One formally ended. He was worried that younger generations wouldn’t understand this and his generation wouldn’t be around for much longer to teach them.”

May 15, 1950 Blue Hill News by Mamie Olson. 

“Another big improvement in the community is recent years was the building of the REA line through Blue Hill last Autumn. Only six homes remain without electricity.
May 1950 can certainly be put on record for its snowfall. Several farmers were entirely out of hay on Friday and Saturday. Bernard Kraft, who has about 50 head of cattle, tells us he didn’t have any hay so had to grind up 100 bushels of wheat to feed to his cattle. Ole Folden was one of the luckier farmers who had hay to divide up with a few of his neighbors to tide them over until the snow melted. Roads were nearly impassable during the weekend and Monday, but the good North Dakota sun came out in its full power and very little snow was left in short order and roads are drying fast. The school children at Blue Hill could have put this down in their diaries: snowsuits and high rubber boots in May!
The big slough in the school section across from Blue Hill School is full of ducks.  Sometimes it seems there’s hardly room for another duck to swim. Not many pheasants are seen around Blue Hill this spring.
Mrs. Carl Anderson and Mrs. Donald Anderson and Donna Mae left Thursday via Great Northern from Minot to spend a week with relatives at Fargo, Barnesville and Pelican Rapids. Mrs. Donald Anderson will visit especially with her mother, who is ill in Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson went to call on Mrs. Jackson Wednesday and bring her some eggs. Mrs. Jackson lives all by herself on her old home place with Mr. Jackson having passed away a year ago. Neighbors try to call on Mrs. Jackson as often as possible and bring her supplies. She gets very lonely as she is unable to get out much, only when a friend goes and takes her along somewhere.”

Upcoming Events:

May 21: Services at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday school at

May 21: Services at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Roseglen at 9 a.m.

May 21: Services at St Paul’s Lutheran Church of Makoti at 10:30 a.m.

May 29: Memorial Day Program 10 a.m. at Ryder school gym. Food will be served afterwards at the Senior Center in Ryder.

June 3: Ryp to Ryder Fest.

June 3 & 4: 9th Annual Hoofin' It for a Cure cancer awareness horseback ride.  

June 10th: Hiddenwood Sportsmen's Club Fishing Derby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Hiddenwood Lake 8 miles south of Makoti

June 15: Ryder Town N Country picnic in the Ryder Park with prizes and good food.

June 17: 50th class reunion of Ryder’s 1967 grads

July 15: Bull a Rama

That’s all the news for this week, enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.
I'm not running away from hard work, I'm too lazy to run.