What a fun mystery photo that was in last week's column! A lot of controversy over who the middle guy was! After all the different guesses, I am not sure who he is! But at least we do know that the fellow on the left side is LeRoy "Ole" Erb and the one on the right side is Ralph Schellenbaum. The ones who correctly guessed those two are: Olive Boots, Lorraine Nelson, Dick Olness, Wendell Hjelmstad, Mary Suffia, Stan Hjelmstad, Twyla Erb, and Sonja Kline.
Now then for the controversy over the middle fellow, here are the names that were guessed: Pat Horning, Gordon Arvidson, Ronald Miller, a Hjelmstad, Orlean Haugen, and Jack Patton. So after all that, I am not sure just who he is altho I was told that it was Pat Horning by the person that sent me the picture.
Now on to this week's picture…this young fellow grew up in the Ryder area, graduated from Ryder High, is married and still lives in ND. Good luck and send me lots of answers…that's the fun part of doing this.
I received this e mail and thought I'd share it with my readers.
"Hi, Sue, I read your news faithfully every week and enjoy it very much. I don’t recognize most of the people but most of the last names are familiar and I always wonder from whom they descended. I recognized Jeanice Officer, but would have been hard pressed to know which twin she was. They look so much alike. I have no idea who this week's lads are.
My rare response is because your birthday list included a Nancy Tschetter. My wife’s maiden name was Tschetter and I believe most of the Tschetters in the U.S. and Canada are related. I never knew of any Tschetters in the Ryder area since most of them lived in South Dakota. I have been wondering who her parents or grandparents might have been. If you have any information, let me know.
I think of Ken often and hope his health problems can be solved. I found your siding project exciting. Your friends and neighbors are so helpful. You might find it interesting to know that one of my aunts, Bergloit Hofstad died in that house sometime around 1942. Thanks for writing Sue’s News. Sincerely, Les Hjelmstad".
Thanks Les for writing and for those of you who may have the info he is interested in, you can reach him by e mail at hjelmstd@csd.net.
I have a little info on that hot air balloon that I wrote about last week. Carey Larson sent me the following e mail.
"About those hot air balloons that flew over a few weeks ago, I was listening to the Mike McFeely radio show one Friday and he talked to a woman in a support vehicle that was following two hot air balloons by Bismarck.
About 5 or 6 days before that, 8 of the balloons lifted off from Albuquerque, New Mexico on a distance flight that is done every year. Last year one of the remaining two teams won it by flying to Detroit. One balloon landed somewhere between Ryder and Bismarck and the winning team landed about 65 miles northwest of Minot. Dad and I also saw them when they flew over our farm.
It's kind of amazing that someone would take a trip like that in a balloon. It was kind of interesting tho. That’s all I know about that but maybe somebody already filled you in."
Thanks Carey for that info and if anyone else knows more, let me know.
Billy Dokken died in Nov. of 2009 but his graveside memorial service was held on Sept. 25th, 2011. His family decided to bury him with his other family members at the Antler cemetery. His wife, Jamie, still teaches at Max, ND. One of their sons is at Max while the other lives in Bismarck. Bill and his older sister, Rose, both attended school in Ryder during the years of 1960-1962.
Friday evening a group of Peterson cousins met at Dean's Steak House on the strip near Mandan for supper and visiting. Those attending were Curtis, Nichole, Kiera, and Savaya Peterson, Melissa Haugen, Carolyn Munns, and Deanna Reikow, all from Bismarck; Nancy, Tom, and Tyler Schuelke, Minneapolis; Jeanice and George Officer, Steve, Rondi, Carson, and Cole Deaver. Minot; Sara, Chaskee, and Piper Schmidt, St. Anthony; Kari, Ana, and Tate Mart, LaMoure; Deb and Sammi Peterson, and Ron and Muriel Peterson from Ryder.
Saturday afternoon Ron and Muriel, Rondi and Kari and their families visited with Esther Streeper at the Primrose apartments in Bismarck.
James Johnson sent me an e mail and he said he was very thankful for the Memorial Service for his mother, Ruth Johnson. He said it was a joy to see all his Mom's friends who attended the service and to hear all the remembrances. He said he enjoyed reading all the e mails he has received with thoughts and stories concerning his mother. He said he was very appreciative of the beautiful songs and message from Pastor Starks and also for the luncheon afterwards. He said he could see why Pastor Starks is a driving force in the community and has God's blessings on him and his family.
We didn't have anyone show up to help with the siding so none got done this weekend (still have part of the north side left and some trim all around the house) but a lot of other things were taken care off so all in all it was a good weekend!
A whole lot of bale moving power here to move Kenny's bales home
Jon Hansen, Russell Semmen, Bruce Peterson, Marvin Hagen and Bryce Johansen got together and hauled Kenny's bales home for him. Bryce had his hired hand "Mandy" in the tractor cab with him. Wendy Wohlk stopped by with some food she had prepared and so did Lorraine Nelson, so Johnny got the cookies he was asking for!
Bryce Johansen's hired hand, "Mandy"
John and Staci and Johnny came out both days and helped get this place ready for winter by fixing fences, moving camper, moving siding from one trailer to another and just generally helping with everything. My brother came over also and helped get the stock tank heater going and also built a railing on the basement stairway.
We still have more to do so they will of course be back next weekend as well.
While the family was helping fix things up in the barnyard, the calf we have raised from 3 weeks of age managed to get out the open gate. Kenny said she would be just fine out in the pasture now and he was sure that she couldn't get back into our yard since he lowered the height of the electric fence. Well, he was wrong, wrong, wrong. At 5:30 Sunday morning when I let one of the dogs out, I heard something by the fenced in part of our yard and after looking with a flashlight, I saw this black calf! After putting on my shoes and a jacket, I called her as I stepped out the south door, heck; she beat me to the gate. Then I had to get the gate open and convince her to go around it. Finally I lured her in with a bucket and locked her up again! She just doesn't want to be out in the pasture with those "cows", she is a people!
Remember the Halloween Party at the Legion Hall in Makoti on Oct. 31 from 6-7:30. All children thru grade 6 and families are welcome. There will be games, prizes, food, and fun including guess the pumpkin's weight.
Ryder will be having their annual Craft Bazaar on Nov. 19th from 10 -4 at the Senior Citizens building in conjunction with the turkey drawing that day.
Don't forget to write and wish Pearl Pollock Happy Birthday this week. She will be 88 on October 30. Her address is 105 Glen Haven Dr. Room 27, Battle Lake, MN 56515.
Other birthdays this week are: Hal Severance, Jodi McKinzie, David Olson, Marcia Haugen, Ryan Zieman, Andrea Anderson, Brenda Brown, Wes Simmons, Kim Cartier, Jackie Casey, Cathy Landon, Juria Bigelow, Sherri Briggs, Gerri Hill, Mickey Karna, Karla Fannick, Brent Larson, Larry Reinisch, Michael Young, and Marcia Steffen. Happy Birthday to all.
Anniversary wishes go out to Larry and Shirley Cunningham.
There, that's it so have a great week. Have a safe and Happy Halloween, watch out for those goblins and ghosts…and send me pictures and news!!
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act!