Ryder News for July
27, 2017
There will be an informational meeting
about setting up an endowment fund for the Ryder Cemetery on Thursday, Aug. 3rd
at 7 p.m. at the Ryder Gym/Community Club. Those volunteering to serve on the
board are Kirby Mueller, Bruce Peterson, Brad Haugen, Stephanie Hagen and Terry
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Ryder had a 7
p.m. Saturday evening church service. I loved it! This meant that I didn’t have
to get up early on Sunday morning as I hate to get up early. I hope they have
it again.
The Community Food Pantry, that serves
Makoti, Ryder, Roseglen and Plaza had a very good turnout this Saturday helping
46 people...yes 46. We appreciate all
who came and helped out. Kathy Kimball’s grandson- Caleb who is 11 is helping Grandma
and Grandpa this week, and Kathy’s sister-Laurene brought treats and helped
with the pantry, she lives in Minot. And, of course PJ Ouellette also was
helping out. The next date for the food pantry (which is located in the Ryder
Community Gym) is August 12th and August 26th. (the second and fourth Saturday
of every month). If you have donations to give or know someone who wants to
check us out, or questions, please pass along these 2 numbers: Kathy Kimball:
701-578-5876 or Patty Ouellette: 701-758-2295
Happy 88th Birthday to Stan “Dewey”
Hjelmstad. He is a 1948 Ryder Grad and the son of Olaf and Augusta Hjelmstad.
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Class of 1957 reunion: Front Row: L-R: LaVonne Endreson, Betty Berg, Donna Sherven. Back Row: L-R: Boyd Roberts, Kermit Hansen, John Haugen, Ron Sherven. |
The class of 1957 just celebrated their
60th class reunion. It was held July 1st
at the Badlands Cafe in Minot at 5 p.m. They were not sure how the turnout was
going to be, but they did pretty good. They felt this might be their last one
so they made the most of it.
Those who made it were John and
Helene Haugen from Florida; Kermit and Marcy Hansen of Ryder; Boyd
and Claudia Roberts of Minot; LaVonne and Duane Endresen, Ron Sherven
and Donna Sherven, and Betty and Paul Berg. Bill and
Lynette Liffrig did not make it as Bill had fallen and gotten hurt enough to be
in the hospital. They were all sad that they missed seeing them. Then Marilyn
and Warren Kletzien, also from Florida, did not make an appearance.
They had a little entertainment courtesy of
Betty and LaVonne.
Many pictures were taken for future
remembrance. They had a great class of 16, and are now down to 8.
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The Les Hjelmstad family.
I received the following email from Les
Hi, Sue –I want to let you know how much I enjoy your weekly update on Ryder’s happenings. It seems as if Ryder has more activity than when I lived there 1922-1944. Does anyone around there even remember who I am? I recognize many of the names but they are probably children/grandchildren of the people I knew. I especially enjoy the reruns of Mamie Olson’s Blue Hill News. I remember all the people she mentioned. The Hiddenwood Picnic was always exciting and the highlight of my summers.I graduated from Ryder High in 1940. I was in the Navy 1944-1946. At the end of 1946 I came to Colorado to visit two of my brothers, Magnar and Harold. I met and married Lois here and never returned to Ryder except for short visits. We will be married sixty-nine years in September.After working as a supervisor for Gates Corporation for thirty-seven years, I have been retired for thirty years. I spent much of my retirement years driving over 400,000 miles in all fifty United States while Lois gave more than 600 talks in response to the first book she wrote, Fine Black Lines: Reflecting on Cancer, Fear and Loneliness. She subsequently wrote The Last Violet: Mourning My Mother, and This Path We Share: Reflections on 60 Years of Marriage. She is working on her fourth book.On April 27 last I celebrated my ninety-fifth birthday. My four children and their spouses came home, surprised me, and celebrated with Lois and me at the Hilton Inverness Hotel here in the Denver area. This is a picture taken in front of the house in which we have lived for fifty-eight years.Since most of the family account I wrote for the Ryder, ND Centennial Book was inadvertently omitted, I’d like to update you on our children (from left to right):Our oldest, Karen, recently retired from twenty years as Congregational Administrator of our church to go work for her brother Bob as office manager.Behind her is our youngest son, Russ, who has been a pathologist at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, Michigan, for twenty-five years since getting his PhD and MD from Duke University. Go, Blue Devils!Keith is in front of me. After twenty-five years as a civil engineering professor at the University of Illinois, he moved to Arizona State University as University Vice-president and Dean. He is currently developing an innovative method of teaching engineering.Behind Keith is our oldest son, Bob. As a CPA, he made partner at the accounting firm of Ernst and Young and then, about twenty years ago, moved on to his own firm, Christiansen, Tyng, and Hjelmstad.We also have twelve grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.My health is quite acceptable for someone who is ninety-five. My doctor said I could live to be one hundred. Uff da!Les Hjelmstad.
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Marion Paulson, Dwight Paulson and Chickie
I received a
picture from Chickie Knutson. She said that her parents had gone to adopt and
bring Susan home and Albert Paulson’s were babysitting her. Marion Paulson is
behind the wagon while Dwight Paulson and Chickie were in the wagon.
September ?, 1950 Blue Hill News by Mamie Olson
Enoch Hopkins, who lived at Missoula, Montana and Mrs. Allie Still of California preceded their parents in death. Minnie Denker and Pearl Johnson both of Garrison and Lena Graham of Sioux City, Iowa and May Tesdale of Washington are other children.O.K. Hopkins family were Sunday guests of Kenneth Hopkins family of Garrison and visited William Truebloods. O.K., Ervin and Glen Hopkins families visited Jim Truebloods near Garrison and the former Clara Trueblood and her husband here from California.Mr. and Mrs. Louie Peterson of Story City, Iowa arrived at the Ed and Harry Peterson home Saturday forenoon. Louie is a brother to Ed. They are on an extended trip. From here they went on to Montana and will spend several weeks in Oregon, Washington and California with relatives and friends. They also visited at the Paul Sorenson home and at Ed Olsons. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Ed and Ray Peterson visited at Minot and Sunday evening were supper guests at Paul Sorensen's. Mr. Peterson with his sons operates several theaters in Minn. and Iowa. But, Mr. Peterson still thinks farming, cattle, and horses top the list and told of the day when he, too, used to farm near Hendricks and Lake Benton, Minn. having a herd of 100 purebred Hereford cattle.
To be continued
next week!
Upcoming Events:
July 30: Services
at Calvary Church of Ryder at 10:30 a.m.
July 30: All Parish
Worship at Camp of the Cross at 10 a.m. with a meal afterwards.
Aug. 4: Bingo...Starting at 7 p.m.
Aug. 7: Sr. Citizens starting at 6 p.m.
with a delicious meal followed by a short and interesting business meeting.
Aug. 12: Food Pantry open
Aug. 26: Food Pantry open
Everyone should
believe in something. I believe I should be on a beach drinking margaritas.